Here at Fall City Children's Therapy, We offer a comprehensive occupational therapy evaluation of fine motor, gross motor, handwriting, self-help, sensory processing, and/or self-regulation skills. Child’s strengths and areas of concern will be assessed using standardized assessments, observation during unstructured play, parent report, and performance on functional activities.

We offer assessments and treatments for a wide range of challenges, conditions, and diagnoses. These include, but are not limited to:

Fall City Children’s Therapy is a provider of the Integrative Listening Systems (iLs). iLs is a multi-sensory program for improving brain function. With gentle and specific stimulation iLs can change the brain a concept referred to as neuroplasticity. The iLs program is beneficial for individuals experiencing challenges with learning difficulties (reading, attention, language and auditory processing); sensory processing, autism and other neurodevelopmental challenges. Fall City Children’s Therapy offers supervision for the “iLs Home Program”.